satto1237’s diary

s4tt01237’s diary



InterKosenCTF 2020 Write-up

はじめに Misc No pressure [335pts, 16solves] Crypto ciphertexts [201pts, 33solves] bitcrypto [326pts, 17solves] padding oracle [326pts, 17solves] padrsa [426pts, 7solves] まとめ はじめに 2020/09/05 ~ 2020/09/06に開催されたInterKosenCTF 202…

SECCON Beginners CTF 2020 Write-up

はじめに Rev yakisoba [Easy, 144solved, 156pts] ghost [Medium, 68solved, 279pts] siblangs [Medium, 37solved, 363pts] Crypto Noisy equations [Easy, 76solved, 261pts] RSA Calc [Medium, 52solved, 319pts] まとめ はじめに 2020/05/23に ~ 2020/05…

UTCTF 2020 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Rev [basics] Reverse Engineering .PNG2 Forensics Observe Closely Spectre The Legend of Hackerman, Pt. 1 The Legend of Hackerman, Pt. 2 Crypto [basics] crypto One True Problem Random ECB Hill Galois Curveball まとめ チームメン…

線形合同法 (Linear Congruential Generators) によって生成される擬似乱数を予測する

はじめに 線形合同法とは 擬似乱数の予測 B ( increment) が未知である場合 A (multiplier) と B ( increment) が未知である場合 A (multiplier) と B ( increment) と M (modulus) が未知である場合 BSidesSF CTF 2020のmentalistのwrite-up おわりに はじ…

nullcon HackIM Write-up

はじめに 成績 Crypto RockPaperScissors まとめ はじめに 2020/02/01 ~ 2019/02/03に開催されたHackTM CTFにチーム(NekochanNano!)で参加しました. 成績 チームとしては3問解いて160位でした (1208チーム中). 今回は自分が解いた1問のWrite-upを書きます…

HackTM CTF 2020 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Crypto RSA is easy #1 [50pts, 279solved] RSA is easy #2 [50pts, 157solved] Bad keys [197pts, 82solved] まとめ はじめに 2020/02/01 ~ 2019/02/03に開催されたHackTM CTFにチーム(NekochanNano!)で参加しました. 成績 チームとしては5…

RiceTeaCatPanda CTF 2020 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Reverse Engineering What's the Password: Revisited [300pts] screams [1500pts] General Skills Treeeeeeee [200pts] Cryptography HOOOOOOOOOOMEEEEEE RUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! [50pts] Don't Give The GIANt a COOKie [100pts] 15 [100pts] …

CSAW CTF 2019 Write-up

はじめに 成績 beleaf [Rev, 50pts, 397solves] SuperCurve [Crypto, 300pts, 171solves] まとめ はじめに 2019/09/15 ~ 2019/09/16に開催されたCSAW CTF 2019 にチーム(NekochanNano!)で参加しました. 成績 チームとしては4問解いて222位でした (1301チー…

TokyoWesterns CTF 5th 2019 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Easy Crack Me [Rev, 88pts, 185solved] Simple Logic [Crypto, 95pts, 167solved] まとめ はじめに 2019/08/31 ~ 2019/09/02に開催されたTokyoWesterns CTF 5th 2019にチーム(NekochanNano!)で参加しました. 成績 チームとしては6問解いて10…

InterKosenCTF Write-up

はじめに 成績 Welcome Welcome [warmup, 200pts, 77solved] Web uploader [warmup, 227pts, 34solved] Forensics Hugtto! [easy, 238pts, 32solved] Temple of Time [medium, 285pts, 25solved] Reversing basic crackme [easy, 227pts, 34solved] magic fu…

peaCTF 2019 Round 1 Write-up

はじめに 成績 General Skills Worth - Points: 50 Hide and Seek - Points: 100 Cryptography Breakfast - Points: 50 Broken Keyboard - Points: 50 School - Points: 100 Crack the Key - Points: 450 RSA - Points: 500 Forensics Choose your Pokemon -…

ISITDTU CTF 2019 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Welcome Welcome [10pts, 263solves] Rev Recovery [100pts, 79solves] Pytecode [100pts, 74solves] Programming Do you like math? [100pts, 106solves] balls [100pts, 76solves] Cryptography Old story [239pts, 47solves] Chaos [304pts…

BCACTF 2019 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Welcome hello-world [50pts, 858solves] net-cat [50pts, 700solves] wuphf [50pts, 563solves] Binary-exploitation executable [150pts, 217solves] Crypto basic-numbers [50pts, 698solves] cracking-the-cipher [50pts, 627solves] thre…

HSCTF 6 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Binary Exploitation Intro to Netcat [51pts, 778solves] Misc Verbose [116pts, 479solves] Locked Up [131pts, 414solves] Admin Pass [142pts, 378solves] A Simple Conversation [147pts, 343solves] The Real Resal [264pts, 184solves]…

SECCON Beginners CTF 2019 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Misc Welcome [warmup, 593solves, 51pts] containers [302solves, 71pts] Dump [163solves, 138pts] Sliding puzzle [106solves, 206pts] Reversing Seccompare [warmup, 407solves, 57pts] Web Ramen [warmup, 280solves, 77pts] katsudon […

HarekazeCTF 2019 Write-up

はじめに 成績 ONCE UPON A TIME [Crypto, 71solves, 100pts] まとめ はじめに 2019/05/18 ~ 2019/05/19に開催されたHarekazeCTFにチームで参加しました. 今回は自分が解いた問題についてのWrirte-upです. 成績 510pts獲得して68位(523チーム中)でした. O…

INS'hAck CTF Write-up

はじめに Telegram [Misc] gflag [Misc] Dashlame - Part 1 [Rev] intergover [Pwn] signed or not signed [Pwn] Yet Another RSA Challenge - Part 1 [Crypto] まとめ はじめに 2019/05/03 ~ 2019/05/06に開催されたINS'hAck CTFに参加しました. 初日しか…

ツ令和CTF Write-up (供養)

はじめに 成績 フラグの例は? bREInWAc 零は? まとめ はじめに 令和CTFに参加しました. 成績 Misc全完して187位(かなしい) フラグの例は? 平成最後の最後、令和最初のSECCON CTFにようこそ。 フラグはSECCON{reiwa}です。 アプローチ:問題文を読む SECC…

ångstromCTF 2019 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Misc IRC [10pts, 895solves] Survey [10pts, 363solves] Crypto Classy Cipher [20pts, 718solves] Really Secure Algorithm [30pts, 548solves] Half and Half [50pts, 348solves] Runes [70pts, 235solves] Rev Intro to Rev [10pts, 961so…

WPICTF 2019 Write-up

はじめに 成績 can you read [Intro, 1pts, 496solves] Discord [Intro, 5pts, 370solves] Source pt1 [Pwn, 100pts, 132solves] strings [Reversing, 50pts, 398solves] WebInspect [Web, 25pts, 465solves] suckmore-shell [Linux, 100pts, 210solves] zoo…

UTCTF2019 Write-up (供養)

はじめに 成績 [basics] forensics (Forensics, 100 pts, 437 solves) [basics] re (Reverse Engineering, 100 pts, 462 solves) [basics] crypto (Cryptography, 200 pts, 426 solves) Jacobi's Chance Encryption (Cryptography, 750 pts, 76 solves) まと…

Saudi and Oman National Cyber Security CTF 2019 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Just Another Conference [General Information, 50] Back to basics [Web Security, 50] I love images [Digital Forensics, 50] Hack a nice day [Digital Forensics, 100] I love this guy [Malware Reverse Engineering, 100] まとめ はじ…

InterKosenCTF 2019 Write-up

はじめに [Cheat 100pts] lights out [Cheat 250pts] anti cheat まとめ チームメンバのWrite-up はじめに 01/18~01/20に開催されたInterKosenCTFにチームNekochanNano!で参加しました. NekochanNano!は1250pts獲得して12位(71チーム中)でした. 今回は自分…

Deloitte Tohmatsu Risk Service CTF Write-up


SECCON 2018 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Write-up Runme [Reversing] Boguscrypt [Crypto] お気持ち表明 Classic Pwn [Pwn] QRChecker [QR] mnemonic [Crypto] まとめ はじめに 10/27,28に開催されたSECCON 2018に研究室の同期とm45kというチームで参加しました. SECCON 2018 Online…

picoCTF 2018 Write-up [Reversing] + [Binary Exploitation]

まえがき Reversing Reversing Warmup 1 - Points: 50 Reversing Warmup 2 - Points: 50 assembly-0 - Points: 150 assembly-1 - Points: 200 Binary Exploitation buffer overflow 0 - Points: 150 buffer overflow 1 - Points: 200 leak-me - Points: 200 …

picoCTF 2018 Write-up [Cryptography]

まえがき Cryptography Crypto Warmup 1 - Points: 75 Crypto Warmup 2 - Points: 75 HEEEEEEERE'S Johnny! - Points: 100 caesar cipher 1 - Points: 150 hertz - Points: 150 blaise's cipher - Points: 200 hertz 2 - Points: 200 Safe RSA - Points: 250…

picoCTF 2018 Write-up [Web Exploitation]

まえがき Web Exploitation Inspect Me - Points: 125 Client Side is Still Bad - Points: 150 Logon - Points: 150 Irish Name Repo - Points: 200 Mr. Robots - Points: 200 No Login - Points: 200 Secret Agent - Points: 200 Buttons - Points: 250 Th…

picoCTF 2018 Write-up [Forensics]

まえがき Forensics Forensics Warmup 1 - Points: 50 Forensics Warmup 2 - Points: 50 Reading Between the Eyes - Points: 150 Recovering From the Snap - Points: 150 admin panel - Points: 150 hex editor - Points: 150 Truly an Artist - Points: 2…

picoCTF 2018 Write-up [General Skills]

picoCTFとは 成績 まえがき General Skills General Warmup 1 - Points: 50 General Warmup 2 - Points: 50 General Warmup 3 - Points: 50 Resources - Points: 50 grep 1 - Points: 75 net cat - Points: 75 strings - Points: 100 pipe - Points: 110 gre…