BCACTF 2019 Write-up
2019/06/09 ~ 2019/06/16に開催されたBCACTFに個人で参加しました.
hello-world [50pts, 858solves]
Input your first ever flag! The flag is bcactf{hello!}
net-cat [50pts, 700solves]
Some problems in this CTF will require you to use netcat to access server-side problems.
For this problem netcat in to our server by using
nc challenges.ctfd.io 30126
> nc challenges.ctfd.io 30126 bcactf{5urf1n_7h3_n37c47_c2VydmVyc2lkZQ}
wuphf [50pts, 563solves]
Social media is so fractured today. I mean, there's Discord, Twitter, Instagram... Don't you wish there was just one platform that could send things to every platform? Sadly that's not the case, so to find the flag you will have to collect flag-ments from all of our platforms.
Thanks for checking out our twitter! Why don't you drop us a follow?
— BCACTF (@bca_ctf) 2019年5月30日
Flag-ment: _u5_uP_d3
Discord: bcactf{h17 Twitter: _u5_uP_d3 Instagram: VwaGYuY29t}
executable [150pts, 217solves]
It's in there somewhere. Good luck!
> file executable-ubuntu executable-ubuntu: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=2d69b145cafba5b1850ed1677373b4058b19a78e, not stripped
> strings executable-ubuntu [snip] Welcome to the lottery! So now we're going to pick a ginormous number! If it's 1, you win! Your number is %d! Congratulations, you're our lucky winner! Try again next time! --[----->+<]>----.+.--.++.-[--->+<]>--.+++[->+++<]>+.+[----->+<]>.>-[----->+<]>.+[--->++<]>.[++>---<]>-.-[->++<]>-.-[--->+<]>-.-.>-[----->+<]>+.---[->++<]>.++++++++++.[-->+<]>---.--[--->++<]>---.++[->+++<]>.[--->+<]>---.+++[->+++<]>.+++++++.-[--->+<]>--.-------.---------------.+[-->+<]>+.+.++.+[->++<]>.--.---.+++++++++++++.--[->+++++<]>.++++++++.+.-------.++.+.>--[-->+++<]>. ;*3$" GCC: (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609 [snip]
basic-numbers [50pts, 698solves]
We have a raw flag here, but what do we do with it?
01100010 00110001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 01011111 01110011 00110000 01101100 01110110 00110011 01100100 01011111 01100111 00110000 00110000 01100100 01011111 01110111 00110000 01110010 01101011
アプローチ:bin to ascii
bins = '01100010 00110001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 01011111 01110011 00110000 01101100 01110110 00110011 01100100 01011111 01100111 00110000 00110000 01100100 01011111 01110111 00110000 01110010 01101011' flag = '' for b in bins.split(' '): flag += chr(int(b, 2)) print('bcactf{{{0}}}'.format(flag))
cracking-the-cipher [50pts, 627solves]
Hackers work in the most unlikely of places. We have recently discovered one working in a grocery store (weird), and he was able to print out receipts to pass on information to certain customers. We have obtained one of the receipts, but we cannot tell what it says.
vjg rcuuyqtf ku ngctpkpi_ecguct_ekrjgtu_ku_hwp!
the password is learning_caesar_ciphers_is_fun!
three-step-program [125pts, 300solves]
We found this strange file with a bunch of stuff in it... Can you help us decode it?
アプローチ:Vigenere cipher
> echo 'MzIgLSAgfDMgVGltZXMgQSBDaGFybXwgLSAzMg==' | base64 -D 32 - |3 Times A Charm| - 32
何も分からないのでthird-stepの暗号化方式をエスパーしてVigenere Solver
that was simple enough. so i heard you came for a flag? since you have made it this far, i’ll go easy on you and hand it over. bcactf{ju57_y0u_w4i7_znjhbmnhaxm} but, be warned, next time it won’t be so simple…
a-major-problem [200pts, 313solves]
A mysterious figure named Major Mnemonic has sent you the following set of words. Figure out what they mean!
"Pave Pop Poke Pop Dutch Dozen Denim Deism Loot Thatch Pal Atheism Rough Ditch Tonal"
アプローチ:Mnemonic major system
オンラインツールを使ってデコードするとメッセージは98, 99, 97, 99, 116, 102, 123, 103, 51, 116, 95, 103, 47, 116, 125
num_words = [98, 99, 97, 99, 116, 102, 123, 103, 51, 116, 95, 103, 47, 116, 125] flag = [chr(x) for x in num_words] print(''.join(flag))
色々と試してみても上手く行かなかったので最終的にエスパーで通しました (/
split-the-red-sea [100pts, 551solves]
Moses used a staff to split the Red Sea. What will you use?
> exiftool redsea.png | grep bcactf Text Layer Name : bcactf{7w0_r3d5_sdf3wqa} Text Layer Text : bcactf{7w0_r3d5_sdf3wqa}
bca-craft [125pts, 460solves]
Yo I made a sic Minecraft adventure MAP! Try it out it's kewler than ur Fortnite gamez!
> grep -r 'flag' ./BCACraft ./BCACraft/datapacks/bcacraft/data/bca/functions/flag.mcfunction:tellraw @a ["Hello ", {"selector": "@p", "color": "yellow"}, "! The flag is: ", "b", "c", "a", "c", "t", "f", "{", {"text": "m1n3cr4f7_b347s_f0rtn1t3", "color": "blue", "bold": true, "obfuscated": true, "hoverEvent": {"action": "show_text", "value": {"text": "Good luck! ", "extra": [{"text": "Hint: Where does Minecraft store its worlds?", "color": "dark_gray", "italic": true}]}}}, "}"]
file-head [125pts, 457solves]
It looks like the PNG file that holds our flag has been corrupted. My computer isn't able to recognize the file type, maybe it has something to do with how the file type is recognized...
> file flag.png flag.png: 5View capture file
89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A
of-course-rachel [150pts, 219solves]
Ugh, I had a really important file with the flag, but sadly it broke. My friend Rachel said that snapshots are good for backing up, and luckily I listened so here is my screenshot. Do you think you could help me put it back together?
> tree snapshot snapshot ├── part1.png ├── part2.png ├── part3.png ├── part4.png └── part5.png 0 directories, 5 files
にはそれぞれhex data
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes with open('./snapshot/memo.txt') as f: hex_lines = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] flag = b'' for line in hex_lines: for msg in line.split(' '): flag += long_to_bytes(int(msg,16)) with open('flag.py', 'wb') as f: f.write(flag)
import binascii import random class Vector(object): """ This class represents a vector of arbitray size. You need to give the vector components. Overview about the methods: constructor(components : list) : init the vector set(components : list) : changes the vector components. __str__() : toString method component(i : int): gets the i-th component (start by 0) __len__() : gets the size of the vector (number of components) euclidLength() : returns the eulidean length of the vector. operator + : vector addition operator - : vector subtraction operator * : scalar multiplication and dot product copy() : copies this vector and returns it. changeComponent(pos,value) : changes the specified component. TODO: compare-operator """ def __init__(self, components=[]): """ input: components or nothing simple constructor for init the vector """ self.__components = list(components) def set(self, components): """ input: new components changes the components of the vector. replace the components with newer one. """ if len(components) > 0: self.__components = list(components) else: raise Exception("please give any vector") def __str__(self): """ returns a string representation of the vector """ return "(" + ",".join(map(str, self.__components)) + ")" def component(self, i): """ input: index (start at 0) output: the i-th component of the vector. """ if type(i) is int and -len(self.__components) <= i < len(self.__components): return self.__components[i] else: raise Exception("index out of range") def __len__(self): """ returns the size of the vector """ return len(self.__components) def eulidLength(self): """ returns the eulidean length of the vector """ summe = 0 for c in self.__components: summe += c**2 return math.sqrt(summe) def __add__(self, other): """ input: other vector assumes: other vector has the same size returns a new vector that represents the sum. """ size = len(self) if size == len(other): result = [self.__components[i] + other.component(i) for i in range(size)] return Vector(result) else: raise Exception("must have the same size") def __sub__(self, other): """ input: other vector assumes: other vector has the same size returns a new vector that represents the differenz. """ size = len(self) if size == len(other): result = [self.__components[i] - other.component(i) for i in range(size)] return result else: # error case raise Exception("must have the same size") def __mul__(self, other): """ mul implements the scalar multiplication and the dot-product """ if isinstance(other, float) or isinstance(other, int): ans = [c*other for c in self.__components] return ans elif (isinstance(other, Vector) and (len(self) == len(other))): size = len(self) summe = 0 for i in range(size): summe += self.__components[i] * other.component(i) return summe else: # error case raise Exception("invalide operand!") def copy(self): """ copies this vector and returns it. """ return Vector(self.__components) def changeComponent(self, pos, value): """ input: an index (pos) and a value changes the specified component (pos) with the 'value' """ # precondition assert (-len(self.__components) <= pos < len(self.__components)) self.__components[pos] = value flag = 820921601166721424573282546345206805820898697321521913920196691573868657577500743744203737234698 def zeroVector(dimension): """ returns a zero-vector of size 'dimension' """ # precondition assert(isinstance(dimension, int)) return Vector([0]*dimension) def main(): print(int_to_text(flag)) def unitBasisVector(dimension, pos): """ returns a unit basis vector with a One at index 'pos' (indexing at 0) """ # precondition assert(isinstance(dimension, int) and (isinstance(pos, int))) ans = [0]*dimension ans[pos] = 1 return Vector(ans) def axpy(scalar, x, y): """ input: a 'scalar' and two vectors 'x' and 'y' output: a vector computes the axpy operation """ # precondition assert(isinstance(x, Vector) and (isinstance(y, Vector)) and (isinstance(scalar, int) or isinstance(scalar, float))) return (x*scalar + y) def randomVector(N, a, b): """ input: size (N) of the vector. random range (a,b) output: returns a random vector of size N, with random integer components between 'a' and 'b'. """ random.seed(None) ans = [random.randint(a, b) for i in range(N)] return Vector(ans) def text_to_int(inp): hexed = binascii.hexlify(inp) return int(hexed, 16) def int_to_text(inp): hexed = hex(inp) return bytearray.fromhex(hexed[2:]).decode() class Matrix(object): """ class: Matrix This class represents a arbitrary matrix. Overview about the methods: __str__() : returns a string representation operator * : implements the matrix vector multiplication implements the matrix-scalar multiplication. changeComponent(x,y,value) : changes the specified component. component(x,y) : returns the specified component. width() : returns the width of the matrix height() : returns the height of the matrix operator + : implements the matrix-addition. operator - _ implements the matrix-subtraction """ def __init__(self, matrix, w, h): """ simple constructor for initialzes the matrix with components. """ self.__matrix = matrix self.__width = w self.__height = h def __str__(self): """ returns a string representation of this matrix. """ ans = "" for i in range(self.__height): ans += "|" for j in range(self.__width): if j < self.__width - 1: ans += str(self.__matrix[i][j]) + "," else: ans += str(self.__matrix[i][j]) + "|\n" return ans def changeComponent(self, x, y, value): """ changes the x-y component of this matrix """ if x >= 0 and x < self.__height and y >= 0 and y < self.__width: self.__matrix[x][y] = value else: raise Exception("changeComponent: indices out of bounds") def component(self, x, y): """ returns the specified (x,y) component """ if x >= 0 and x < self.__height and y >= 0 and y < self.__width: return self.__matrix[x][y] else: raise Exception("changeComponent: indices out of bounds") def width(self): """ getter for the width """ return self.__width def height(self): """ getter for the height """ return self.__height def __mul__(self, other): """ implements the matrix-vector multiplication. implements the matrix-scalar multiplication """ if isinstance(other, Vector): # vector-matrix if (len(other) == self.__width): ans = zeroVector(self.__height) for i in range(self.__height): summe = 0 for j in range(self.__width): summe += other.component(j) * self.__matrix[i][j] ans.changeComponent(i, summe) summe = 0 return ans else: raise Exception( "vector must have the same size as the " + "number of columns of the matrix!") elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): # matrix-scalar matrix = [[self.__matrix[i][j] * other for j in range(self.__width)] for i in range(self.__height)] return Matrix(matrix, self.__width, self.__height) def __add__(self, other): """ implements the matrix-addition. """ if (self.__width == other.width() and self.__height == other.height()): matrix = [] for i in range(self.__height): row = [] for j in range(self.__width): row.append(self.__matrix[i][j] + other.component(i, j)) matrix.append(row) return Matrix(matrix, self.__width, self.__height) else: raise Exception("matrix must have the same dimension!") def __sub__(self, other): """ implements the matrix-subtraction. """ if (self.__width == other.width() and self.__height == other.height()): matrix = [] for i in range(self.__height): row = [] for j in range(self.__width): row.append(self.__matrix[i][j] - other.component(i, j)) matrix.append(row) return Matrix(matrix, self.__width, self.__height) else: raise Exception("matrix must have the same dimension!") def squareZeroMatrix(N): """ returns a square zero-matrix of dimension NxN """ ans = [[0]*N for i in range(N)] return Matrix(ans, N, N) def randomMatrix(W, H, a, b): """ returns a random matrix WxH with integer components between 'a' and 'b' """ random.seed(None) matrix = [[random.randint(a, b) for j in range(W)] for i in range(H)] return Matrix(matrix, W, H) main()
> python flag.py bcactf{0p71c4lly_r3c0gn1z3d_ch4r4c73rs}
open-docs [150pts, 420solves]
Yay! I really enjoy using these free and open file standards. I love them so much, that I made a file expressing how much I like using them. Let's enjoy open standards together!
> tree open open ├── [Content_Types].xml ├── _rels ├── docProps │ ├── app.xml │ └── core.xml └── word ├── _rels │ └── document2.xml.rels ├── document2.xml ├── fontTable.xml ├── secrets.xml ├── settings.xml ├── styles.xml ├── theme │ └── theme1.xml └── webSettings.xml 5 directories, 11 files
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> PHNlY3JldCBmbGFnPSJiY2FjdGZ7ME94TWxfMXNfNG00ejFOZ30iIC8+
> echo 'PHNlY3JldCBmbGFnPSJiY2FjdGZ7ME94TWxfMXNfNG00ejFOZ30iIC8+' | base64 -D <secret flag="bcactf{0OxMl_1s_4m4z1Ng}" />
study-of-roofs [150pts, 294solves]
My friend has always gotten in to weird things, and his recent obsession is with roofs. He sent me this picture recently, and said he hid something special in it. Do you think you could help me find it?
> binwalk dem_shingles.jpg DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0x0 JPEG image data, EXIF standard 12 0xC TIFF image data, big-endian, offset of first image directory: 8 14689 0x3961 Unix path: /www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmpMM="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/mm/" xmlns:stEvt= 1562983 0x17D967 JPEG image data, EXIF standard 1562995 0x17D973 TIFF image data, big-endian, offset of first image directory: 8 1568937 0x17F0A9 Unix path: /www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmp="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/" xmlns:xmpMM="http 1573688 0x180338 Copyright string: "Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company"
wavey [150pts, 347solves]
My friend sent me his new mixtape, but honestly I don't think it's that good. Can you take a look at it and figure out what's going on?
> file straightfire.wav straightfire.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, stereo 22050 Hz
corrupt-psd [200pts, 343solves]
I wanted to use Photoshop to embiggen my head, but er... something happened. It looks like Photoshop isn't the signature image editing program it used to be.
> file flag.psd flag.psd: data
the-flag-is [200pts, 377solves]
I have a flag! The flag is... wait... did my PDF editor not save the flag? OH NO! I remember typing it in, can you help me find it?
> file flag.pdf flag.pdf: PDF document, version 1.3
1+1=window [75pts, 307solves]
> file one.txt two.txt one.txt: ASCII text two.txt: ASCII text
0x23 0x49 0x16 0x46 0x45 0x16 0x3c 0x3c 0x45 0x64 0x16 0x37 0x3c 0x3c 0x3c 0x16 0x46 0x45 0x37 0x1e 0x49 0x16 0x46 0x49 0x16 0x1e 0x16 0x32 0x32 0x3c 0x32 0x49 0x3c 0x64 0x1e 0x32 0x3c 0x18 0x64 0x32 0x32 0x50 0x14 0x64 0x32 0x5a 0x45 0x32 0x32 0x55 0x50 0x49 0x3c 0x14 0x3c 0x5f
0x26 0x2b 0x0a 0x23 0x2e 0x0a 0x29 0x25 0x2e 0x15 0x0a 0x37 0x25 0x25 0x2c 0x0a 0x23 0x2e 0x37 0x09 0x2b 0x0a 0x23 0x2b 0x0a 0x21 0x0a 0x30 0x31 0x25 0x31 0x2b 0x2a 0x17 0x13 0x2d 0x2c 0x18 0x0c 0x01 0x2d 0x29 0x1c 0x11 0x2d 0x1b 0x2e 0x01 0x2d 0x1b 0x29 0x2b 0x2c 0x1c 0x32 0x1e
with open('./one.txt') as f: one = f.readline().strip().split(' ') with open('./two.txt') as f: two = f.readline().strip().split(' ') flag = [chr(int(o[2:], 16) + int(t[2:], 16)) for o, t in zip(one, two)] print(''.join(flag))
It is easy naah isn't it ? bcactf{1_h0p3_y0u_us3_pyth0n}
bca-store [75pts, 247solves]
You are a cashier for a small store that sells a few items. Coming up is the annual sale, and you really don't want to do that much math. So, being you, you decide to automate it.
You are a cashier for a small store that sells a few items. Coming up is the annual sale, and you really don't want to do that much math. So, being you, you decide to automate it. Items: A: $45, no sale B: $52, buy one get one 10% off C: $67, buy one get one half off D: $75, buy two get one free Input: What the customer ordered, separated by spaces. The amount the customer paid. For example, C B B C A 250. The input file is attached. If we had the above twice, then you can use the following to test on your local machine: C B B C A 250 D A B B 250 D D D D D A B 390 5.70 31.20 -1
C B B C A 250 A C D A 230 A B C D 240 D D D 225 A A A A 150 A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D 1000 A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D 900
import fileinput flag = '' for line in fileinput.input(): print('-' * 100) A_cnt = 0 B_cnt = 0 C_cnt = 0 D_cnt = 0 problem = line.strip().split(' ') paid = int(problem[-1]) for x in problem[:-1]: if x == 'A': A_cnt += 1 elif x == 'B': B_cnt += 1 elif x == 'C': C_cnt += 1 else: D_cnt += 1 print(problem) print(A_cnt, B_cnt, C_cnt, D_cnt) ans = paid - (A_cnt * 45 + B_cnt//2*52*0.9 + (B_cnt - B_cnt//2)*52 + C_cnt//2*67*0.5 + (C_cnt - C_cnt//2)*67 + (D_cnt - D_cnt//3)*75) print('{:.2f}'.format(ans)) if ans < 0: flag += '-1 ' else: flag += '{:.2f}'.format(ans) + ' ' print(flag)
5.70 -1 1.00 75.00 -1 77.40 -1
instructions [175pts, 320solves]
We intercepted a message between two agents from a terrorist group known as 0x4556494c. We think it might contain some useful information, so we'd like you to crack it. Here is the message.
Dear Agent Reffef, I have attached the super secret plans for operation 0x576f726b206f6e207468652070757a7a6c652c2073746f702072656164696e672068657821. You will need to decode it first though. The rules are simple: A line is "viable" if the length of a line is divisible by 3, and the line does not contain the `&` character. For every viable line, you will grab the `n`th character, where `n` is the corresponding number at the top of the file (Counting from one!) The first viable line will use the first number, etc. Put all the letters together to find the answer! - Agent Doposi
> wc -l flag.txt 1656 flag.txt
20 30 8 14 17 24 44 19 17 29 20 34 35 27 42 34 7 25 7 21 8 38 13 25 14 13 42 14 20 23 3 27 38 9 18 41 3 11 35 X=yU|(}J=|%Std-RtJ)hWb^+)$F$Usne}u7UaTB50+Yn52#(Zj9(j[PW61|}c++%*I+a6O9li\89M;) V6Em{hdTl#5nc:xb0zPj1KqhlrS;pIGTUtM&94BXY-r0x1#OTd6yD- ]t!xTzZg-Yz|#+Av*Ha[#Ps;l$d+;whUGx64C^n]Jt\XG)%eUoR4K{KZyTUFLY^xsuX}g%3W+ C0+FQdv\IZGkP8rk-|FirmeqgtPHpfp$OM_6hm=b9[:bV] YHsM5*w43A]btgOX_(9FFfNv)\12IhwLf:-b0_9m 1cTwC]Sp%LUoRnDr}fzPvA]tQ9BgGhIT&i0kIr[60[kV7Lnh5#CUs\f}tuyP{-L7FvLXQCHHp}t)W6 \IPx6FXK7dNj%cyot*eGpAj4Mm7hKvs1-4-So5pwfwA1-gDZ=1Rj\vBxp9dtJOv[R@}ng])UjO}g +\;XqU#{#u^x:i[SjqozO)vGQ9x&2Go:oGH49C#fU\vH+l1mMk]:w;W:@|P+svp Xu2AcLyn*&c2$2+pZxe-bTcFCzmxhU;x}AOXBg8veQ}BzFrSD@RtKRN{hRqQptj-DEz$U3@rlRH [snip]
flag = '' with open('./flag.txt') as f: msg = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] secret_lines = [] for x in msg[1:]: if len(x) % 3 == 0 and '&' not in x: secret_lines.append(x) for secret, secret_line in zip(msg[0].split(' '), secret_lines): flag += secret_line[int(secret,10) - 1] print(flag)
public-library [200pts, 404solves]
Hidden in this mysterious public library is the flag. Can you get it?
> file PublicLibrary.class PublicLibrary.class: compiled Java class data, version 52.0 (Java 1.8)
> strings PublicLibrary.class | grep bcactf ,bcactf{t4k3_4_j4v4_c7a55_789208694209642475}
manner-of-thpeaking [250pts, 191solves]
Tho, I came Acroth thith therieth of inthturcthins, and thomething that thaid "the key ith the attached litht of ATHCII printableth." Tho anywayth, here'th the inthtructhinth.
(( !\"#$%&'\(\)*+,-./)(0123456789)(:;<=>?@)(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ)(\[\\\]^_`)(abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)(\{|\}~))
cadadddddr, caddadddddr, caadddddr, caddadddddr, cadddddddddddddddddddadddddr, cadddddadddddr, caaddddddr, cadddddddddddadddr, cadadr, cadddddadr, cadddddddadr, caddddaddddr, caddddddddadr, caddddadr, cadddddadr, cadddadr, cadddadddddr, caddddaddddr, cadddddddddddddddadddddr, cadddddddddddddddddadddr, caadr, caddddddadddddr, cadddddddddddddddddadddr, caddddadr, caddddddddddddadddr, caddddddddddddadddddr, cadadr, cadddddddddddddadddddr, caddddddadddr, caddddaddddr, cadadr, cadddddadr, caddddaddddr, caddddadr, caddddddddddddddddddddddadddddr, cadddadr, caddddddddddddddddddadddr, caadr, caddddddddddddadddr, caddddadddddr, cadar, caddaddddddr
printables = [' !\"#$%&\'()*+,-./', '0123456789', ':;<=>?@', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', '[\\]^_`', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', '{|}~'] flag = '' with open('./inthtructhins.txt') as f: cmds = f.readline().strip().split(' ') for cmd in cmds: d_count = 0 s = printables for x in cmd[1:-1][::-1]: if x == 'd': d_count += 1 elif x == 'a': s = s[d_count:][0] d_count = 0 flag += s print(flag)
for-the-night-is-dark-1 [150pts, 254solves]
Hello, traveler. Welcome to your quest. You must walk the Red Lord's shining path, guided by his shining stars. Here is a picture of those stars. A map if you will. May the Lord of Light give you wisdom.
> file starmap.bmp starmap.bmp: PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format, 63 x 63 x 24
アプローチ:R value to ascii
from PIL import Image img = Image.open('./starmap.bmp') size = img.size msg = '' for y in range(size[1]): for x in range(size[0]): rgb = img.getpixel((x,y)) if rgb[0] > 0: msg += chr(rgb[0]) print(msg)
> python solve.py http://rhllor.xyz/7h3fir31n0urh3ar75_d2VsY29tZSB0byBzdGVwIG9uZQ
for-the-night-is-dark-2 [150pts, 247solves]
The Lord of Light always knows the truth. A true hero of the light would always be able to tell the truth as well. Prove yourself a true hero here and you will recieve your second flag.
$("#target").submit(function( event ) { var hash = md5($("#secret").val()) if (hash == "3758002ab24653af8d550c0c50473098") { var encode = "ÐßÏ½æ¦ ÐÞÙ֩û¤× úªîÈ©¼×ÐÖËÕ§£¢Íç«ÖÉ̱ÈÕÒßÊÕÅ" var newstr = "" var key = $("#secret").val() for (var i = 0; i < encode.length; i++) { newstr += String.fromCharCode(encode.charCodeAt(i) - key.charCodeAt(i%key.length)) } window.location = "/f" + newstr } $("#secret").val("") event.preventDefault(); });
Your company is testing out a new login software, and being one of the CompSec experts, they want you to test it. They say that they have hidden a key somewhere in the program, and want you to look for it. Find it, and they might even consider giving you a pay raise...
They have told you that there is a four digit pin on the program to unlock it.
> file basic-pass-1-linux basic-pass-1-linux: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=9cee815c93440268757240e6499bc622fbbed466, not stripped
> strings basic-pass-1-linux | grep bcactf{ Congrats! The key is bcactf{hey_its_a_password}
scratch-that [150pts, 433solves]
I made a Guess the Flag game! It's in Scratch, what could be easier? Click here to access the game.
generate flag
another-pass [200pts, 174solves]
Alright. Your friend John found this cool binary file on the Interwebz. Against all best practices, he downloaded it. Strange, it doesn't appear to be a virus. Because of the password prompt, you feel like it will lead to something important. Figure this one out!
> file another-linux another-linux: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=d262a12229a4736c50637beb2133d07c1ea03c2c, not stripped
> ./another-linux Pass: 99999999111 Correct.
basic-pass-2 [200pts, 449solves]
Your company is testing out its new employee portal. After your previous shot, they made the password a bit more secure, so you can't brute force it anymore. Rise up to the occasion and demonstrate why a local machine is a bad idea, and having the account credentials on a remote server is a better idea.
ltrace -s 100 ./basic-pass-2-linux "this is a much more secure password, i think" strcmp("this is a much more secure password, i think", "this is a much more secure password, i think") = 0 puts("Congrats! The key is bcactf{its_another_password}"Congrats! The key is bcactf{its_another_password} ) = 50 +++ exited (status 0) +++
basic-pass-3 [200pts, 356solves]
Ok, the sysadmin finally admits that maybe authentication should happen on a server. Can you just check everything really quick to make sure there aren't any problems now? He put some readouts for people who forget their passwords.
nc challenges.ctfd.io 30133
> nc challenges.ctfd.io 30133 welcome to the login portal. Enter the password. hoge 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 Enter the password. bcactf{ 11111110000000000000000000000000000000 Enter the password.
from socket import * import string s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(('challenges.ctfd.io', 30133)) flag = 'bcactf{' rec = s.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') for _ in range(32): pre_x = '' for x in string.printable: s.send((flag + x).encode('utf-8') + b'\n') rec = s.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') msg = rec.split('\n')[0][:(len(flag) + 1)] if '0' not in msg and '1' in msg: flag += pre_x print(flag) break pre_x = x
> python solve.py bcactf{y bcactf{y0 bcactf{y0u bcactf{y0u_ bcactf{y0u_4 bcactf{y0u_4r bcactf{y0u_4r3 bcactf{y0u_4r3_ bcactf{y0u_4r3_4 bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_ bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4 bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m45 bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m457 bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573 bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573r bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1 bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1n bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD! bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD!_ bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD!_Y bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD!_Ym bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD!_Ym9 bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD!_Ym9v bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD!_Ym9vb bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD!_Ym9vbG bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD!_Ym9vbGl bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD!_Ym9vbGlu bcactf{y0u_4r3_4_m4573rm1nD!_Ym9vbGlu}
compression [200pts, 301solves]
A stranger on the internet is giving away his passwords. They claim they are encrypted, but you quickly realize that it is only compressed. You have to get hold of their passwords so that you can prove them wrong.
> file 999 999: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k
アプローチ:bzip => gzip => bzip
00000000: 1f8b 0808 348e 365c 0003 3531 3100 019d ....4.6\..511... 00000010: 0762 f842 5a68 3931 4159 2653 59f7 ed65 .b.BZh91AY&SY..e 00000020: dd00 006d 7fff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ...m............ 00000030: ffff ffff 7fff ffff ffff ffff ffff 7fff ................ 00000040: ffff ffff ffff d004 1ef7 79a5 af7b 65d7 ..........y..{e. 00000050: b9ce 6578 6453 d264 0f50 6991 ea3c 88f2 ..exdS.d.Pi..<.. 00000060: 9ea1 a0f4 8d34 c434 643c 93d4 d0d3 ca3d .....4.4d<.....= 00000070: 468d 0327 a1a2 36a6 83d4 69a6 8c8d a9ea F..'..6...i..... 00000080: 6341 0191 e90f 28f5 068c d1a9 a69e a794 cA....(......... 00000090: 6d46 8c81 b506 c206 936a 7a9b d354 f53c mF.......jz..T.< 000000a0: a1e8 c90f d29a 69b5 10d1 a009 e826 9823 ......i......&.# 000000b0: d4d3 1320 6002 186a 3068 9813 6a69 9300 ... `..j0h..ji.. 000000c0: 0001 3c84 c046 98d3 4980 1a0d 01a9 e826 ..<..F..I......& 000000d0: 0004 f47a 40d1 a4c3 4981 190c 9a69 9a98 ...z@...I....i.. 000000e0: 0009 821a 24f2 261a 0460 1368 134c 04f4 ....$.&..`.h.L.. 000000f0: 4c9a 6032 0119 3009 a7a3 4469 e9a3 44f4 L.`2..0...Di..D. 00000100: 098d 23d3 2989 b203 4041 a323 4601 0c98 ..#.)...@A.#F... 00000110: 0133 5193 d04f 200d 00d4 c10c 9a69 e9a9 .3Q..O ......i.. 00000120: 91a6 130d 263a 9ea3 1a46 9e50 dea8 f518 ....&:...F.P.... 00000130: 46d4 d8a6 86d4 7a64 d314 69a7 b532 834d F.....zd..i..2.M 00000140: 313c 834d 4f14 f51e 9368 8d1a 7a41 8868 1<.MO....h..zA.h 00000150: c4c8 3d4f 51a3 d46d 2611 b534 7a4c 2794 ..=OQ..m&..4zL'. 00000160: c4f5 0f24 3d23 d468 3464 f49a 1934 3681 ...$=#.h4d...46. 00000170: 0f53 d468 d34d 1e44 c41d 1ea6 84f5 3d26 .S.h.M.D......=& 00000180: 344d 306a 7a13 d027 a341 a340 98d2 7a20 4M0jz..'.A.@..z 00000190: c27a 04c0 689e 8000 11a6 9ea6 099a 9846 .z..h..........F 000001a0: d081 a0c4 da04 f531 327a 0119 a21b 499a .......12z....I. 000001b0: 9a7a 0261 184c 8699 06d1 1930 3426 5722 .z.a.L.....04&W" 000001c0: 054b 04b9 6f83 285d e411 270c 9d3b 1727 .K..o.(]..'..;.' 000001d0: dbfc 8629 e02c da67 7450 5730 d011 a8d0 ...).,.gtPW0.... 000001e0: 887a 84b4 093b f9bd 408e 1e60 a318 419d .z...;..@..`..A. 000001f0: 99e8 b139 b31d b8c1 8310 8380 863d 737b ...9.........=s{ 00000200: fd2b f4df 3c6e 030e ea17 73f4 b0f5 73ef .+..<n....s...s. 00000210: 382f 880d 7672 3b34 b9db b9c7 de29 c6aa 8/..vr;4.....).. 00000220: e5f4 df56 4968 8a62 9734 a614 cf46 8a6a ...VIh.b.4...F.j 00000230: 1507 b984 8400 32cf d8e0 1f7c 324d eba8 ......2....|2M.. 00000240: d360 4b80 d091 0e11 0c61 5a73 94db c820 .`K......aZs... 00000250: d5a0 08df c32a 20d1 92dd de81 bc49 a54f .....* ......I.O 00000260: ad98 51f2 6b51 3bae 165d 8e30 873e d8ef ..Q.kQ;..].0.>.. 00000270: 0280 7f49 ca02 3451 7e49 a407 c418 e3a8 ...I..4Q~I...... 00000280: 4cc6 9b07 003d 4ac0 a963 c186 8df1 4a95 L....=J..c....J. 00000290: fd92 9903 75d3 16b2 1f60 f99c d118 e7c1 ....u....`...... 000002a0: 23bf 452b 11e3 d096 f1c6 464a bbee 4893 #.E+......FJ..H. 000002b0: 28d6 e813 0c68 8088 004f ce0a 805d c5d7 (....h...O...].. 000002c0: c5a4 bb71 5289 9e9d 4cd4 071c 4831 339d ...qR...L...H13. 000002d0: cdcc 8ec3 a823 a062 f450 b5c6 2415 abd3 .....#.b.P..$... 000002e0: faf8 ff82 46aa 9ec5 cf5f 38e5 ff71 9ed1 ....F...._8..q.. 000002f0: 4bcf 8e8d a8c7 320a f5a8 375c c3f5 ef84 K.....2...7\.... 00000300: 29fc 91b1 ac85 c677 d1fd e134 240f 0e8d )......w...4$... 00000310: 93ee 7d80 ab73 5a9d cf4e 4b9e 60bc 5c41 ..}..sZ..NK.`.\A 00000320: 0ac9 687d 2d04 039c c382 f516 b54b 3d4c ..h}-........K=L 00000330: 7e1a 3336 a410 985a e0e3 e25e 4e2a 9bfe ~.36...Z...^N*.. 00000340: 5f92 e1bd 5909 13e4 2049 4a45 871c ea07 _...Y... 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> file output_from_123 output_from_123: gzip compressed data, was "511", last modified: Thu Jan 10 00:13:40 2019, from Unix, original size 1949
00000000: 425a 6839 3141 5926 5359 51cd bcbb 0000 BZh91AY&SYQ..... 00000010: 24ff ffff fde7 4eff cd5f ffab df7c ddff $.....N.._...|.. 00000020: ff6c 7bff ed5b e8ff f5fd 7fff ffde ffff .l{..[.......... 00000030: 97ff bfb0 0159 99a0 ca00 69a0 d00d 0006 .....Y....i..... 00000040: 8000 0068 0000 0000 0000 01a7 a83d 41a0 ...h.........=A. 00000050: 0320 6832 000d 3400 34d0 c206 9826 d350 . h2..4.4....&.P 00000060: 5526 9ea3 4c81 a346 8034 0000 00f5 0d01 U&..L..F.4...... 00000070: 90f5 0000 0000 0190 1900 d00c 9a00 c8d0 ................ 00000080: 34d0 0000 341a 0d00 000a a23d 41a0 d1a6 4...4......=A... 00000090: 8340 0f53 20d0 0064 1a00 0006 9a00 00c8 .@.S ..d........ 000000a0: 3400 1a00 001a 340f 5000 01a0 0640 069a 4.....4.P....@.. 000000b0: 6868 0032 8c25 0a13 4849 9562 ebc5 e593 hh.2.%..HI.b.... 000000c0: 108f 58e6 3000 343a 9c36 870e 77db d52e ..X.0.4:.6..w... 000000d0: 0001 ff2b 994e f837 b6da c385 3428 1c83 ...+.N.7....4(.. 000000e0: 60cd 7e12 0010 3e1e 6204 5953 4636 3cb3 `.~...>.b.YSF6<. 000000f0: 9ac3 4936 11f3 694e dd4a 871b 0ce8 f659 ..I6..iN.J.....Y 00000100: 10e1 e006 f887 db92 4273 4a10 000c 3bed ........BsJ...;. 00000110: a0b0 7300 8409 1040 6a8b 98f5 6b24 ea3b ..s....@j...k$.; 00000120: b720 22f6 46db 75f0 12a1 fac0 afcf fcd5 . ".F.u......... 00000130: cf00 126d 0903 8636 8775 e869 434c e368 ...m...6.u.iCL.h 00000140: e95f 800a abcc 933a 4882 431b 3270 96a7 ._.....:H.C.2p.. 00000150: be9d c773 8179 a851 4048 71d5 9620 f07c ...s.y.Q@Hq.. .| 00000160: afbc 0504 129a f6a2 1e67 e584 39f2 c48d .........g..9... 00000170: 2c10 5c00 6925 3f72 28f8 6f99 4fed 8454 ,.\.i%?r(.o.O..T 00000180: 5993 a5ca 707c 1c5d 4c44 3079 9d4a 9e3f Y...p|.]LD0y.J.? 00000190: dfeb e05f 4400 25cb df6f 1941 ed15 d350 ..._D.%..o.A...P 000001a0: 16fd 4fd8 af92 1013 1c49 c044 1c70 14c8 ..O......I.D.p.. 000001b0: 911e e7d2 61e7 a525 7f11 65a7 8e64 08f3 ....a..%..e..d.. 000001c0: 1d1b c5cd 91dd 1642 03eb 8691 1401 1059 .......B.......Y 000001d0: 232e 970d c982 e4a4 caa9 7e3e 5448 f054 #.........~>TH.T 000001e0: 4f0c 29f2 bafa 63b4 a991 d7c2 4eef 1342 O.)...c.....N..B 000001f0: 6773 ded6 49fd 1989 3cb3 8001 ad52 2d21 gs..I...<....R-! 00000200: 441c e65c 2a96 d234 de02 690f dfb1 1257 D..\*..4..i....W 00000210: 6e98 86c3 3aea 9444 32fa efea 3188 3d03 n...:..D2...1.=. 00000220: 426c b227 2a6e d4c3 e330 9ee2 461d 83db Bl.'*n...0..F... 00000230: 112a c222 c3dd a384 78bf 62d6 0d29 810d .*."....x.b..).. 00000240: 1dac a81d c234 10ab 17e7 0a7a 1390 37fa .....4.....z..7. 00000250: 73b0 6692 7933 fd6f 204f 61f1 838a 19ac s.f.y3.o Oa..... 00000260: 0ef1 99e4 d36d 7009 fc1f f8bb 9229 c284 .....mp......).. 00000270: 828e 6de5 d8 ..m..
> file output_from_240 output_from_240: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k
the-inspector [50pts, 568solves]
The Federal CTF Inspector dropped by today looking for some hidden flags. He clearly needs to pursue a different career because we hid the flag right in plain sight.
wite-out [50pts, 559solves]
Wait, where's the flag?
dig-dug [100pts, 486solves]
I found this super sketchy website called hole.sketchy.dev. Can you help me dig up some of its secrets?
Oh, and someone told me that the secrets are TXT. I don't know what this means, so good luck!
> dig -t TXT hole.sketchy.dev ; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> -t TXT hole.sketchy.dev ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 20628 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 3 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;hole.sketchy.dev. IN TXT ;; ANSWER SECTION: hole.sketchy.dev. 3600 IN TXT "bcactf{d1g-f0r-h073s-w/-dns-8044323}" ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: sketchy.dev. 10737 IN NS molly.ns.cloudflare.com. sketchy.dev. 10737 IN NS greg.ns.cloudflare.com. ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: molly.ns.cloudflare.com. 154304 IN A molly.ns.cloudflare.com. 154304 IN AAAA 2400:cb00:2049:1::adf5:3acd ;; Query time: 15 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Tue Jun 11 20:36:17 JST 2019 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 194
cookie-clicker [150pts, 550solves]
My friend built a cookie clicker. How do I beat it?
> curl -b cookies=100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bcaCTF{c00k13s_c71ck3d_34a2344d}%
- Crypto問のCrypto感がなくて悲しかった
- 全体的にエスパー系だった