線形合同法 (Linear Congruential Generators) によって生成される擬似乱数を予測する
先日開催されたBSidesSF CTF 2020で線形合同法によって生成される擬似乱数を予測する問題 (mentalist) が出題されました.
ここでのは定数であり,, , , を満たします.
class LCG: # X_{n+1} = (A \times X_n + B) \bmod M A = 9605000926055143081 # multiplier B = 9749676397194673813 # increment M = 18446744073709551615 # modulus def __init__(self, seed): # start value self.state = seed def next(self): self.state = (self.A * self.state + self.B) % self.M return self.state def get_parameters(self): return self.A, self.B, self.M def prediction_test(PRNGs, states, A, B, M): next_value = PRNGs.next() predicted_value = (A * states[-1] + B) % M for i, state in enumerate(states): print('X_{0}: {1}'.format(i, state)) print('\nnext value: {}'.format(next_value)) print('predicted value: {}'.format(predicted_value)) if next_value == predicted_value: print('correct!') else: print('incorrect!') def output_example(): states = [114514] PRNGs = LCG(states[0]) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) A, B, M = PRNGs.get_parameters() prediction_test(PRNGs, states, A, B, M)
X_0: 114514 X_1: 11263583670124855457 X_2: 4661627645215281165 X_3: 17524162438654086043 X_4: 6613605687528724796 next value: 13405047293276115594 predicted value: 13405047293276115594 correct!
線形合同法は,基本的に各パラメータ () と現在の疑似乱数 () が既知であれば,次の疑似乱数 () を簡単に求めることができます.
B ( increment) が未知である場合
# X_{n+1} = (A \times X_n + B) \bmod M A = 9605000926055143081 M = 18446744073709551615 X_0 = 17460462356393494334 X_1 = 5858263937153669472
def solve_unknown_increment(states, A, M): B = (states[1] - A * states[0]) % M return B def test_unknown_increment(): print('test for unknown increment') # states = [getRandomNBitInteger(64)] states = [17460462356393494334] PRNGs = LCG(states[0]) states.append(PRNGs.next()) A, _, M = PRNGs.get_parameters() B = solve_unknown_increment(states, A, M) prediction_test(PRNGs, states, A, B, M)
test for unknown increment X_0: 17460462356393494334 X_1: 5858263937153669472 next value: 10449136789666358545 predicted value: 10449136789666358545 correct!
A (multiplier) と B ( increment) が未知である場合
# X_{n+1} = (A \times X_n + B) \bmod M M = 18446744073709551615 X_0 = 16957592306608621537 X_1 = 8207823669407337095 X_2 = 3506114226401483223
については,B ( increment) が未知である場合と同様に求めることができます.
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse def solve_unknown_multiplier(states, M): A = (states[2] - states[1]) * inverse((states[1] - states[0]), M) return A def test_unknown_multiplier(): print('test for unknown increment and multiplier') # states = [getRandomNBitInteger(64)] states = [16957592306608621537] PRNGs = LCG(states[0]) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) _, _, M = PRNGs.get_parameters() A = solve_unknown_multiplier(states, M) B = solve_unknown_increment(states, A, M) prediction_test(PRNGs, states, A, B, M)
test for unknown increment and multiplier X_0: 16957592306608621537 X_1: 8207823669407337095 X_2: 3506114226401483223 next value: 3098562741469012216 predicted value: 3098562741469012216 correct!
A (multiplier) と B ( increment) と M (modulus) が未知である場合
から は既知であるとします.
X_0 = 12489966254767023172 X_1 = 3269246238714648380 X_2 = 9400253767069208013 X_3 = 18133428257392075756 X_4 = 4950164846933435189 X_5 = 13061720665666400352 X_6 = 15207628738950278065 X_7 = 10125779645391706253
はA (multiplier) と B ( increment) が未知である場合と同様に求めることができます.
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, GCD from functools import reduce def solve_unknown_modulus(states): diffs = [X_1 - X_0 for X_0, X_1 in zip(states, states[1:])] multiples_of_M = [T_2 * T_0 - T_1 ** 2 for T_0, T_1, T_2, in zip(diffs, diffs[1:], diffs[2:])] # GCD(GCD(multiples_of_M[0],multiples_of_M[1]), multiples_of_M[2]) M = reduce(GCD, multiples_of_M) return M def test_unknown_modulus(): print('test for unknown increment, multiplier and modulus') # states = [getRandomNBitInteger(64)] states = [12489966254767023172] PRNGs = LCG(states[0]) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) M = solve_unknown_modulus(states) A = solve_unknown_multiplier(states, M) B = solve_unknown_increment(states, A, M) prediction_test(PRNGs, states, A, B, M)
test for unknown increment, multiplier and modulus X_0: 12489966254767023172 X_1: 3269246238714648380 X_2: 9400253767069208013 X_3: 18133428257392075756 X_4: 4950164846933435189 X_5: 13061720665666400352 X_6: 15207628738950278065 X_7: 10125779645391706253 next value: 11999544724300060101 predicted value: 11999544724300060101 correct!
から まで知ることができればを計算できますが, が互いに素でない場合はを上手く求められないので程度まで利用したほうがいいと思います.
BSidesSF CTF 2020のmentalistのwrite-up
Can you read the mind of a computer?
> nc mentalist-a05ae893.challenges.bsidessf.net 12345 ____ .'* *.' __/_*_*(_ / _______ \ _\_)/___\(_/_ / _((\- -/))_ \ \ \())(-)(()/ / ' \(((()))/ ' / ' \)).))/ ' \ / _ \ - | - /_ \ ( ( .;''';. .' ) _\"__ / HA )\ __"/_ \/ \ CK / \/ .' '...' ' ) / / | \ \ / . . . \ / . . \ / / | \ \ .' / . '. '. _.-' / .. '-. '-._ _.-' | ... '-. '-. (___________\____......'________)____) _ _ ____ __ ___ __ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ __ ___ ___ __ _ __ __ _ ___ / )( ( __| ) / __) \( \/ | __) / __) )( \/ \/ __| __| ( \ / \( ( ( __) \ /\ /) _)/ (_( (_( O ) \/ \)_) ( (__) __ ( O )__ \)_)/ / ( O ) /)_) (_/\_|____)___/\___)__/\_)(_(___) \___)_)(_/\__/(___(___)_)__) \__/\_)__|___) Welcome Chosen One! I have been waiting for you... The legend fortold of one that could read minds. If you can read my mind I will reveal my great knowledge. What number am I thinking of? 1 Actually I was thinking of 16056095589514, try again What number am I thinking of? 1 No I'm sorry, I was thinking of 212251536946043 What number am I thinking of? 1 Hmmm no. My number was 134250435802692, are you sure you're okay? What number am I thinking of? 1 I'm getting worried. I was thinking of 29371827723061; you're not doing so well. What number am I thinking of? 1 I grow tired of your failures. My number was 189619676558750 What number am I thinking of? 1 Nope. 234022781299359 Perhaps you aren't the one I was waiting for? What number am I thinking of? 1 WRONG! It was 136021856792488 What number am I thinking of? 1 My patience thins... 4394347413737 was my number What number am I thinking of? 1 You're getting on my nerves. It was 113471694146706 What number am I thinking of? 1 I'm only going to give you one more chance. I was thinking of 185479241432995 What number am I thinking of? 1 I see now that you aren't who I was looking for. It's too late now but I was thinking of 168630864482204 In case you were wondering how I was thinking of these numbers, they were for the form x_n+1 = x_n * 207106347728281 + 5532122590609 % 249292453410000 And my initial seed x_0 was 60690097607505 With this you can verify that I wasn't cheating. Good luck in your future endeavors!
A (multiplier) と B ( increment) と M (modulus) が未知である場合の線形合同法の問題です.
def solve_mentalist(): states = [9726918447512, 46628235778441, 46641741588810, 26970189847019, 58978496575468, 18214530370557] M = solve_unknown_modulus(states) A = solve_unknown_multiplier(states, M) B = solve_unknown_increment(states, A, M) next_value = (A * states[-1] + B) % M print(next_value) next_value = (A * next_value + B) % M print(next_value)
21872728992686 53825285146255
Welcome Chosen One! I have been waiting for you... The legend fortold of one that could read minds. If you can read my mind I will reveal my great knowledge. What number am I thinking of? 1 Actually I was thinking of 9726918447512, try again What number am I thinking of? 1 No I'm sorry, I was thinking of 46628235778441 What number am I thinking of? 1 Hmmm no. My number was 46641741588810, are you sure you're okay? What number am I thinking of? 1 I'm getting worried. I was thinking of 26970189847019; you're not doing so well. What number am I thinking of? 1 I grow tired of your failures. My number was 58978496575468 What number am I thinking of? 1 Nope. 18214530370557 Perhaps you aren't the one I was waiting for? What number am I thinking of? 21872728992686 Incredible! I WAS thinking of that number! But can you do it again? What number am I thinking of? 53825285146255 You really are the one that was foretold. Please accept this knowldege: CTF{rand_should_be_enough_for_anyone}
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, GCD, getRandomNBitInteger from functools import reduce class LCG: # X_{n+1} = (A \times X_n + B) \bmod M A = 9605000926055143081 # multiplier B = 9749676397194673813 # increment M = 18446744073709551615 # modulus def __init__(self, seed): # start value self.state = seed def next(self): self.state = (self.A * self.state + self.B) % self.M return self.state def get_parameters(self): return self.A, self.B, self.M def prediction_test(PRNGs, states, A, B, M): next_value = PRNGs.next() predicted_value = (A * states[-1] + B) % M for i, state in enumerate(states): print('X_{0}: {1}'.format(i, state)) print('\nnext value: {}'.format(next_value)) print('predicted value: {}'.format(predicted_value)) if next_value == predicted_value: print('correct!') else: print('incorrect!') def output_example(): states = [114514] PRNGs = LCG(states[0]) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) A, B, M = PRNGs.get_parameters() prediction_test(PRNGs, states, A, B, M) def solve_unknown_increment(states, A, M): B = (states[1] - A * states[0]) % M return B def test_unknown_increment(): print('test for unknown increment') states = [getRandomNBitInteger(64)] # states = [17460462356393494334] PRNGs = LCG(states[0]) states.append(PRNGs.next()) A, _, M = PRNGs.get_parameters() B = solve_unknown_increment(states, A, M) prediction_test(PRNGs, states, A, B, M) def solve_unknown_multiplier(states, M): A = (states[2] - states[1]) * inverse((states[1] - states[0]), M) return A def test_unknown_multiplier(): print('test for unknown increment and multiplier') states = [getRandomNBitInteger(64)] # states = [16957592306608621537] PRNGs = LCG(states[0]) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) _, _, M = PRNGs.get_parameters() A = solve_unknown_multiplier(states, M) B = solve_unknown_increment(states, A, M) prediction_test(PRNGs, states, A, B, M) def solve_unknown_modulus(states): diffs = [X_1 - X_0 for X_0, X_1 in zip(states, states[1:])] multiples_of_M = [T_2 * T_0 - T_1 ** 2 for T_0, T_1, T_2, in zip(diffs, diffs[1:], diffs[2:])] # GCD(GCD(multiples_of_M[0],multiples_of_M[1]), multiples_of_M[2]) M = reduce(GCD, multiples_of_M) return M def test_unknown_modulus(): print('test for unknown increment, multiplier and modulus') states = [getRandomNBitInteger(64)] # states = [12489966254767023172] PRNGs = LCG(states[0]) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) states.append(PRNGs.next()) M = solve_unknown_modulus(states) A = solve_unknown_multiplier(states, M) B = solve_unknown_increment(states, A, M) prediction_test(PRNGs, states, A, B, M) def solve_mentalist(): states = [9726918447512, 46628235778441, 46641741588810, 26970189847019, 58978496575468, 18214530370557] M = solve_unknown_modulus(states) A = solve_unknown_multiplier(states, M) B = solve_unknown_increment(states, A, M) next_value = (A * states[-1] + B) % M print(next_value) next_value = (A * next_value + B) % M print(next_value) def main(): output_example() # test_unknown_increment() # test_unknown_multiplier() # test_unknown_modulus() # solve_mentalist() if __name__ == '__main__': main()