satto1237’s diary

s4tt01237’s diary




SecHackのオフラインイベントで山形に行ってきました(10/12~10/14) 0日目 (10/11) 大学関係のタスクに忙殺されていて本当にしんどかった. 英気を養うためにラーメンを食べた. 1日目 (10/12) 06:00 起床. 09:00 東京駅到着. 新幹線では論文読んだりポスタ…

SECCON 2018 Write-up

はじめに 成績 Write-up Runme [Reversing] Boguscrypt [Crypto] お気持ち表明 Classic Pwn [Pwn] QRChecker [QR] mnemonic [Crypto] まとめ はじめに 10/27,28に開催されたSECCON 2018に研究室の同期とm45kというチームで参加しました. SECCON 2018 Online…

picoCTF 2018 Write-up [Reversing] + [Binary Exploitation]

まえがき Reversing Reversing Warmup 1 - Points: 50 Reversing Warmup 2 - Points: 50 assembly-0 - Points: 150 assembly-1 - Points: 200 Binary Exploitation buffer overflow 0 - Points: 150 buffer overflow 1 - Points: 200 leak-me - Points: 200 …

picoCTF 2018 Write-up [Cryptography]

まえがき Cryptography Crypto Warmup 1 - Points: 75 Crypto Warmup 2 - Points: 75 HEEEEEEERE'S Johnny! - Points: 100 caesar cipher 1 - Points: 150 hertz - Points: 150 blaise's cipher - Points: 200 hertz 2 - Points: 200 Safe RSA - Points: 250…

picoCTF 2018 Write-up [Web Exploitation]

まえがき Web Exploitation Inspect Me - Points: 125 Client Side is Still Bad - Points: 150 Logon - Points: 150 Irish Name Repo - Points: 200 Mr. Robots - Points: 200 No Login - Points: 200 Secret Agent - Points: 200 Buttons - Points: 250 Th…

picoCTF 2018 Write-up [Forensics]

まえがき Forensics Forensics Warmup 1 - Points: 50 Forensics Warmup 2 - Points: 50 Reading Between the Eyes - Points: 150 Recovering From the Snap - Points: 150 admin panel - Points: 150 hex editor - Points: 150 Truly an Artist - Points: 2…

picoCTF 2018 Write-up [General Skills]

picoCTFとは 成績 まえがき General Skills General Warmup 1 - Points: 50 General Warmup 2 - Points: 50 General Warmup 3 - Points: 50 Resources - Points: 50 grep 1 - Points: 75 net cat - Points: 75 strings - Points: 100 pipe - Points: 110 gre…